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Home Warranty

Why American Home Shield

Mother and daughter laying down on a carpet

Decades dedicated to helping homeowners

Mother and daughter laying down on a carpet

We invented the home warranty industry in 1971. 从那时起,bet3365标准版建立了一个由值得信赖的专业人士组成的全国网络,并帮助了数百万房主. With billions paid in claims, we believe that a home warranty is the key to happy, stress-free home ownership. Don’t worry. Be warranty.

See What Members Are Saying

Partners in peace of mind for over 50 years

Industry founder and leader


Coverage that never gets old


A belief in giving members more


Backed by happy homeowners

几十年来,bet3365标准版一直在为客户提供安心的服务, we have more than 2 million members to show for it

Mother and father cooking with their son

Where we are today

Mother and father cooking with their son

Coverage for homes. Happiness for homeowners.

bet3365标准版相信,bet3365标准版不仅仅是一张纸. 当家里发生不可避免的故障时,你知道自己得到了保护,这是一种心态. 因为当事情出错时,没有什么比自己是对的感觉更好了.


Protect 人们的时间,预算和安心与bet3365标准版计划的每个家庭

Empower 房主感到自信和控制自己的家

Help 通过将他们与当地合格的专业人士联系起来

As a company, we're innovating with new home repair technologies

We warranty like no other

BBB Accredited Business Best Company - Best of the Best 2023
50+ years in the biz

Turning homeowner frowns upside down since 1971.

2 million+ members


25 times


$4 billion



A nationwide network of thousands of Pros

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Home warranty plans

Plans designed with home life in mind

拥有自己的房子感觉就像是前进两步,后退一步. 这就是为什么bet3365标准版为您最依赖的系统和设备提供保险. Warranty now. Sigh of relief later.

Shield Silver

Cover the hardworking basics. ShieldSilver保护14个主要系统的部分,以帮助保持您的家庭运行.

Shield Gold

如果更多的覆盖意味着更少的担忧,那么ShieldGold就是为你准备的. 保护您家中23个主要系统和电器的部分.

Shield Platinum

Total peace of mind feels good. ShieldPlatinum保护23个系统和设备的部分, 包括屋顶漏水修补和其他会员津贴.

Compare Plans & Coverage

See the plan agreement 有关保险详情,包括服务费、限制及除外事项. 未承保项目的承保范围和费用可能适用.


Why Warranty

Many homeowners wonder what is a home warranty, 答案很简单:bet3365标准版是为你家里的系统和电器提供的年度保护计划. We spend about two-thirds of our time in our homes, and over time, bet3365标准版最依赖的系统和设备不可避免地会坏掉,比如你的供暖和空调系统, refrigerator, water heater, and washer/dryer. 但是当你保修时,你可以看到好的一面,因为你的保修项目是受保护的.

像大多数房主一样,你可能会问, what does a home warranty cover?你的bet3365标准版涵盖了你和你的家人最依赖的东西, like the refrigerator, dishwasher, heating and AC systems, and water heater. 当这些类型的项目停止工作并打断你的一天时,生活会变得令人沮丧. 但是bet3365标准版提供了一种安心,因为当系统和电器被覆盖时,不可避免地会发生故障, you’ve got a plan

Home warranty benefits 包括你最依赖的系统和设备的保险, 因此,当意外故障发生时,您可以保护您的预算. 它们还提供维护服务和会员折扣. 把拥有一个bet3365标准版看作是对你的家庭和生活方式的一种安心.

Doesn't homeowners insurance cover breakdowns? Not necessarily. Home warranty vs home insurance is an important distinction to understand. 房主保险涵盖了你的房子可能发生的事情,比如洪水或风暴造成的损失. 房屋保修包括不可避免的房屋损坏, 如系统和设备故障,由于正常的磨损.

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Don't Worry. Be Warranty.


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